How to Pull Massive Organic Traffic Through Google Image Search

A collage of polaroid imges

Almost every website on this planet relies heavily on the Google search engine for attracting a large chunk of its organic traffic. Generally, webmasters focus on optimizing textual content to pull traffic from keyword searches across the globe. It does form a major part of the overall traffic, but it isn't the complete picture. If leveraged correctly, Google image search can pull a large amount of traffic that may leave you astonished. Milking this awesome organic traffic source is not that difficult. Here's how you can dominate Google image search to attract huge traffic through pictures in your content.

A collage of polaroid images

All the tips mentioned below are easy to implement and give you the desired results in due course of time. If you're looking for instant results, unfortunately, that isn't going to happen in this case.

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How to Make Custom and Impressive Blog Post Photos

You can use these tips to not only add images in your fresh content but also in the archives to get more out of your existing kind of stale content. It's like putting life in your old content. So, here we go!

Optimize for File Size

This is very much obvious, but unfortunately, it's often ignored by a large number of webmasters. Every single picture uploaded to your website must be web-optimized to reduce its size.

Several loss-less image compression techniques allow you to shrink the size of the image without much noticeable degradation in the quality. Reduction in image files size makes webpage download faster and that's one of the important SEO ranking signals taken into account by the Google search algorithm.

This ensures that your optimized (for size) images are the preferred choice for image SERPs.

Optimize Image File Name

This is a fairly simple yet very delicate technique to optimize images for Google image search. I've often noticed webmasters and bloggers using cryptic file names for the image files.

This is a big blow to SEO for image search traffic. Giving a meaningful name to the image file is a powerful way to let image crawler bots know about the image type or content.

This way it can be well indexed without any ambiguity. Make sure each word in the name of the image file is separated by a hyphen instead of underscores.

Add Optimized Image Alt Tag

While using the <img> tag, you must specify a meaningful alt="description" attribute to clearly define the image. This can be compared with the description meta tag of a webpage or a blog post.M/p>

Explaining the image in the alt attribute ensures that your image is included in the most relevant image search queries that match your image content. Keep the description short (5 to 8 words) telling the exact content of the image.

Optimize Image Placement

Placement of images within the content also matters that may help it in ranking well in image SERPs. Try to keep it (primary image) above the fold surrounded by SEO-optimized text for maximum advantage.

The sooner a visitor finds it, the better are the results. Placing it way down the content is a poor tactic for image search optimization.

Apart from image-only posts which are devoid of any textual content, you must ensure that at least one keyword-rich sentence is near the optimized image.