How to Keep Your YouTube Account Safe and in Good Condition

YouTube logo on a wooden board

With billions of views per day, YouTube is perhaps the most popular video hosting website. Publishers make a lot of money through this medium by monetizing their YouTube channels. Since the nature of the content is so viral, the security aspects are monitored vigorously on YouTube. Today, we are going to discuss two important aspects related to a YouTube account. The first one is security which helps in keeping your account safe from hackers, and the second aspect is related to your conduct and activities to prevent suspension of your account. These guidelines are aimed at content consumers

YouTube logo on a wooden board

If your YouTube account was suspended in the past, these guidelines will help you avert the same situation again in the future. Apply them to your YouTube account, and you're good to go.

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So let's get started and see what can be done to keep our YouTube account safe as well as with good ratings to prevent any unexpected suspension. First, we will discuss the security aspect in detail.

1. Create an Unambiguous Profile With a Strong Password

If you're going to publish your videos, I'll strongly suggest you avoid creating a ghost profile (unless you're publishing some controversial content) that inherently invites suspicion and questions the credibility and intent of the publisher.

Creating an unambiguous profile creates trust between the viewers and the publisher. A YouTube account a popular YouTube channel with thousands of views per day cannot afford to have a weak password. Create a fairly complex password and change it frequently (at least every 3 months) to minimize the risk of password stealing.

Although uploading your close-up front shot for your profile image is not mandatory, doing so can elevate your credibility—significantly.

2. Check Your Privacy Settings

The two important options to control your visibility are accessible through the Settings → Privacy option. Here, you can control the visibility of your activities on YouTube as shown in the image below.

YouTube privacy settings

By default, all of your playlists and subscriptions are public. Anyone can see them easily. Use the settings shown above to make them private. It is recommended if you're subscribing to sensitive or NSFW content and don't want anybody to know about it.

3. Follow Community Guidelines

Failing to adhere to these guidelines often results in account suspension. You must know how to play safely on YouTube, or else you may risk losing your profitable YouTube channel. So here are some of the general guidelines to keep your account ratings good to help you get the most out of this powerful platform.

  • Comment cautiously - YouTube's large community regularly interacts with each other through comment threads (if enabled) beneath each video. You must take every care to avoid leaving flaming comments that may inadvertently hurt someone's feelings.

    If you disagree with someone, you must tackle the situation delicately by gracefully putting your views. Remember, users can flag or mark your comment as spam which may result in account suspension if it is regularly repeated in your account.

  • Don't upload objectionable video content - Now this is very vague when I say 'Objectionable Content'. But YouTube has tabulated the kind of video content that shouldn't be uploaded to the website.

    Videos showing extreme violence, adult content, racial hate, and animal or drug abuse are strictly prohibited on YouTube. If you upload such kinds of videos, people can flag them as inappropriate and that can lead to account suspension.

  • Don't trick people with misleading titles and descriptions - This is one more reason that leads to account suspension on YouTube. While publishing your videos, do not fill in tricky titles or descriptions that try to allure people in the wrong way. If YouTube catches it, you're going to lose your account in no time.

Whenever you're using YouTube, you must understand that it's a community-driven website where millions of people from across the globe come together to share and view informative or entertaining video content. You must follow or implement all the precautions discussed above to effectively leverage this useful platform.