Technology in Language Education: What You Need to Know

A collection of laptops on a table

Technology has drastically changed the field of education in recent years. It has fundamentally changed the way we teach and learn. From student collaboration to on-demand learning, there is now a multitude of ways to use technology in language education. In this blog, I’ll tell you about various ways technology is used in language education.

A collection of laptops on a table

Education: First Things First

We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in any classroom, be it physical or online classroom. This is an essential step, as technology is not a magic solution for every issue there is.

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What Is Technology in Language Education?

Technology in language education is the use of technology to ease and enable language learning better than conventional methods could. This can include the use of online sources, such as videos, games, testing platforms, language learning apps, and websites, as well as the use of technology in the classroom, such as the use of interactive whiteboards.

Besides this, technology can easily be used to expand on the current learning and teaching practices, as it helps augment the teacher’s skills.

What Are the Benefits of Using Technology in Language Education?

There are many advantages to using technology in language education. Firstly, it can provide learners with more opportunities for learning and practice. Additionally, it can also help to facilitate collaboration between learners, as well as between learners and teachers.

Finally, technology can also provide a more engaging and interactive learning experience.

It is necessary to understand that the tech part does not apply to teachers only. There have been a lot of developments in the education field for students as well. As knowledge is omnipresent, so are the opportunities for students to delegate work they do not like and focus on what matters to them.

Lets Grade It offers a list of trustworthy services that can take over a portion of students’ work and assignments. In return, students can focus on developing their critical skills and having a more thorough approach to the matter they are supposed to overcome.

What Are The Challenges Of Using Technology? — Language Education

There are also some disadvantages of using technology in language education. One of the main challenges is the digital gap, as not all students have access to technology.

This is easily overcome by making students work in pairs and groups. Additionally, there is also the challenge of ensuring that technology is used effectively in the classroom to maximize its potential benefits.

Is technology a silver bullet?

Of course, we can see that technology is not a silver bullet. There are a lot of issues that can happen when students overuse technology. We are aware that social networks and video games can have detrimental effects on any student’s learning and academic outcome. However, instead of seeing technology as an obstacle, we can focus on tech as an opportunity.

Finding the balance between tech and education

Looking for ways to help students utilize social networks is a great way to help them expand their knowledge while doing the things they like. We can take a group of students who lean towards Instagram a lot and tell them about some channels we think may help them out.

However, as there are thousands of channels on any topic out there, you should go through them first. Language education seems simple, but a wrong approach can ruin a student’s progress.

How Can You Use Technology In Language Education Effectively?

If you want to use technology in language education effectively, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to ensure that you have access to the necessary sources.

Secondly, you need to make sure that you are using technology in an interactive way, breaking up learning units into smaller bits and keeping the students engaged.

Finally, you need to ensure that you are using technology in a way that supports the overall learning goals and objectives.

It is necessary to understand that technology cannot replace a teacher. It can rather help them reach their potential by taking a portion of the burden off their shoulder and by switching the role of the teacher: a teacher in a high-tech classroom is a facilitator rather than a focal point of the class.

The teacher should therefore understand how to incorporate technology into existing curricula rather than over-rely on it to reduce the workload.


Technology is increasingly being used in language education. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using technology in a classroom, but as long as we are aware that there are ways to use tech to facilitate learning, we will be OK. Limiting students' exposure to tech is also important, so ensure that your classroom offers a mix of both types of activities — high-tech and low-tech.